
Google’s New Update, Title Tags, and Meta Descriptions

Google’s New Update, Title Tags, and Meta Descriptions

Google has been making some changes for its search result listings, and a lot of it has to do with the way it handles title tags and meta descriptions. Let’s take a look at what this new update could mean for your website and web page visibility. [bctt tweet="Google...

YMYL & EAT: Two Surprisingly Important Algorithms

YMYL & EAT: Two Surprisingly Important Algorithms

Google seemingly adds new criteria to its SEO standards every week, but plenty have been lurking in the background for years. Content creators need to understand both the old and new rules to keep their SEO ranking. Even if your keyword strategy is flawless, are you...

Wondering How Google Ranks Pages?

Wondering How Google Ranks Pages?

There is seemingly infinite information on the internet. If the content wasn’t organized and sorted, you’d be spending all your time aimlessly looking through irrelevant links. That’s where google PageRank algorithms come in.  Google uses a number of algorithms that...

How Google Answers Your Search Query Question

How Google Answers Your Search Query Question

Since its inception, Google has been consistently improving advanced search to answer users’ search queries. By collecting and sorting through public, online information, Google uses an advanced algorithm to provide credible answers to your questions.  [bctt...