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Technology News

Critical Security Update: Some Downtime May Occur

Critical Security Update: Some Downtime May Occur

Security Update: Servers Undergoing Maintenance Recently, a number of security vulnerabilities affecting multiple CPU architectures were disclosed. Our servers are currently undergoing maintenance and being patched to protect against these vulnerabilities. You may...

5 Ways to Increase your Gmail Efficiency

5 Ways to Increase your Gmail Efficiency

Gmail goes above and beyond to provide an email service that is user friendly and that consistently makes us say “wow!” It seamlessly incorporates other highly used applications to create a one stop shop for communication and productivity.  Here are 5 life hacks that...

Tech Companies Pitching In

Tech Companies Pitching In

In the wake of the catastrophic 7.8-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Nepal over the weekend, some of the biggest names in technology are providing help and support. Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter (along with telecommunications companies Time Warner,...

Mark Zuckerberg Q&A

Mark Zuckerberg Q&A

Facebook cofounder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a question-and-answer session on his website on Tuesday for his users. The questions posed ran the spectrum from the highly relevant to the utterly bizarre; one Facebook user asked him, “If you could be any biscuit, what...