Story Of

Tisdale Company



Tisdale Company has been specializing in industrial applications and critical environmental systems for over 40 years. Their packaged concept features the flexibility to meet the most demanding job requirements. They design and build equipment to fit your stringent requirements. Their company prides itself on their ability to provide innovative,cost-effective solutions for their clients’ specific applications. This is one of the many reasons why they are specialists in custom-built equipment for onshore and offshore jobs. They stand committed to furnish their customers the best value and to ensure that the equipment manufactured meets the customers’ specifications and requirements.


Tisdale Comapany

“Customer satisfaction is our primary concern.”
No matter what your requirements are they can meet or exceed them. Tisdale possesses the unique capabilities to design, manufacture, provide installation assistance and commission any HVAC and related system.

Tisdale Company is a privately held, woman-owned business. Their focus is on their customer – not shareholders. They welcome a complete inspection of their facilities at any time. Consult with them and apply their unique capabilities to your next project. They look forward to working with you and meeting your needs for all your HVAC/R projects.

Services we offered: Website design, Social Media Marketing, Content Management Solution, Training, Monthly maintenance, Hosting and Technical Support.