Adwords PPC Management: Making Sense of The Data

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Analytics, PPC

Adwords PPC Management

Tracking Analytics in combination with a running Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign is a powerful tool used to gain insight and make crucial adjustments. And without the proper analysis of this data you will be severely limiting your ability to shift focus and make the necessary changes to recoup more of your advertising spend, handicapping your ability maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS).

Gain Insight And Hit The Mark With Better PPC Management

If you’re running an Adwords PPC campaign then you’re already tracking. Through careful analysis of the following analytic sections, you will be well on your way to making the changes needed for successful PPC management.

Negative Keywords

Adding negative keywords to your Ad campaign is the cornerstone of optimizing your ad for success. Take a look at the search term analytics which allows you to refine your campaign keywords and filter out search terms that aren’t satisfying user intent. Without analyzing your search terms and maintaining a negative keyword list your CTR % will be lower than it could be.This can drop your quality score, costing you money.

Click Through Rate (CTR) Interactions

Tracking your CTR% is essential for understand 2 things; how relevant your Ad is for the keywords that are being triggered and how well the Ad copy is doing to generate clicks. If your click rate is low then it is time to revisit your keyword list and figure out why you’re not getting the clicks.

Understanding Bounce Rates

Your bounce rate is going to give you the insight into how well your landing pages are in relation to the PPC Ad campaign. Is the landing page relevant to your campaign? This is where building custom landing pages and ensuring that your ad campaigns are tied closely to your web design come into play. If you’re paying for the traffic it better be relevant to the user.

Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Once you get the clicks and drive traffic to highly relevant landing pages; then it is crucial to set up conversions. Signing up for an email letter, placing a phone call, clicking through to a contact page. These are all measurable KPIs and you can use these to determine the overall success of your campaigns. After all, what’s the point of driving leads to the website if they aren’t converting? KPI analytics are the backbone of successful PPC management and give a deep level of understanding of whether or not your campaign is working. With KPI tracking in place, you can focus Ad spend on high conversion keywords and campaigns.

Split A/B Test And Refine Your Ad Copy

Within the Ad copy section, take note of your  CTR%. This will help you determine how well they are running. In order to gain any insight, you need to constantly be A/B testing your Ad copy. You want to see what works and what doesn’t and then build on it. Use the Ad copy CTR% to make that call.

Moving Forward With Analytics On Our Side

Running a PPC campaign without taking advantage of the data on your side is like playing darts in the dark. Sure you may hit your mark but without turning on the lights (analytics in our metaphor) you will never know how to adjust. And remember, when it comes to digital marketing; analytics is paramount. So take the time to properly track and read what is coming in.
At ITVibes we build brands backed by data-driven digital marketing. If you’re ready to place your business in front of your customers, contact us.
