Email Marketing Tips: How to Minimize the Number of Unsubscribes

by | May 3, 2019 | Brand Management, Email Marketing

Email Marketing Tips How to Minimize the Number of Unsubscribes, ITVibes, Houston Digital Marketing & Web Design

As a digital marketing agency, our clients ask us this all the time, “Are email marketing campaigns even useful anymore?” Open rates tend to be low and social media seems to have better results. However, with carefully curated email copy, you’d be surprised at the positive results of email marketing.
Are email campaigns part of your content marketing strategy? Here’s how you can send emails that reap positive results for your business. #emailmarketing Click To Tweet
Email campaigns, when used correctly, can be incredibly effective in reaching your target market. Although it may seem that your email subscribers open your email but aren’t acting, they will remember your brand when they need your specific products or services. Use your email list to share blog posts including great tips for your niche, also be sure to include a relevant call to action that takes your subscribers to your website or an optimized landing page. Don’t be discouraged when some people unsubscribe; expecting zero unsubscribes is unrealistic, but you can decrease the number of users who unsubscribe with these tips.

Organize Your Lists

Most software for email marketing such as MailChimp give you the option to arrange your audience with lists. Use this to your advantage. Organize your lists by industry so that you can spend time writing emails that target each industry.
For instance, if you are a brand management company, split your lists into broad lists such as:

  • B2B
  • B2C

From there, you can create even more focused lists such as:

  • Tech
  • Realtors
  • Oil & Gas
  • Outdoor living
  • Automotive
  • Contractors
  • Etc.

This gives you the opportunity to curate industry-specific emails with email subject lines for each market that you’re targeting.

The Buyer’s Journey Is Your Guide

When making a purchase, customers go through the buyer’s journey. Buyers go through three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. Email campaigns are essential during the awareness stage. At this point, buyers are aware that they have a problem and your email campaigns will represent a solution. This will take buyers to the consideration stage where they will remember your emails when considering their options. Use your email campaign to monitor their buying patterns.

Pro Tip: Keep detailed records of the buyer’s journey in order to create a successful email campaign that produces the results you desire.

Don’t Spam Your Subscribers

There is such a thing as too many emails. If you’re sending emails that don’t have a useful purpose for your contacts, they’re more likely to unsubscribe. Also, if you’re flooding their inbox and they feel overwhelmed with your emails, they’re going to unsubscribe to free some space in their email inbox. Start by sending monthly emails and see how that works, move to bi-weekly, then weekly emails. Track your results and see what works best with your specific email lists.


Email campaigns can prove to be incredibly effective in attracting and retaining customers. Unfortunately, they can have the opposite results if not used correctly. Follow the above email marketing tips to create an email campaign that works!
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