Quantity vs. Quality: Finding the Right Balance for Web Content

by | May 24, 2019 | Brand Management, Content Management, Content Strategy

Quantity vs. Quality: Finding the Right Balance for Web Content | ITVibes, The Woodlands, TX

What’s the best, fastest way to climb the ranks of Google’s search results? In the past, the answer was producing lots of content in a short amount of time and sprinkling in plenty of keywords to appeal to the algorithms. But as user preferences and search engine capabilities evolve, quantity alone no longer guarantees high rankings.
While the quantity of your online content is still important, Google now looks at content quality for ranking purposes as well. The best solution for better search engine rankings is finding the proper balance of quality and quantity on your website. Let’s look at how both categories can help your website’s visibility and how to properly balance the two.
Should your website focus on content quantity or quality? Why not both? Learn more here. Click To Tweet

Advantages of Having More Content

Simply posting more content on your website is a straightforward strategy. The more content you have to offer, the more pages Google can evaluate and rank. With a large amount of keyword-rich pages, Google will pay more attention to your website and help you rank higher. More content also creates more opportunities for lead generation and promotion through social media or email. The more content you have, the more visible your site is likely to be.

Pro Tip: An average visitor to your website isn’t likely to become a customer until your brand has “touched” them through promotions between 7-18 times, according to Google. Producing content regularly allows you to promote yourself to them more frequently.

Advantages of Creating Quality Content

Google looks not only at the amount of content your website produces, but also how long users stay there. The more time a user spends on your webpage, the more likely Google is to consider that page helpful. Consequently, that page will start to rank higher in similar searches.
The downside of focusing too much on high-quality content is that writing well takes time. The higher quality you want a particular page to be, the longer research and revisions will take. Consequently, you’ll have less time to produce more content, which means fewer organic leads.

Finding the Proper Balance

Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula of quality vs quantity for your website. Your ultimate balancing strategy should depend on a few factors:

Once you’ve developed and implemented a new strategy, monitor any developments closely. Give your readers time to adjust to your new schedule. An effective strategy will ultimately generate more visibility for you with time.

Climbing the SEO Ranks

A quantity-focused strategy and a quality-focused strategy both bring their own advantages and disadvantages to your website. Neither is sufficient on its own. With proper research and attention to your website’s traffic and user engagement, you can find a way to balance the two perfectly for your own content optimization.
Connect with us to learn more about developing an effective content strategy!
