How to Know if Your Blogs Are Producing Results

by | Mar 6, 2019 | Business Tips, Content Marketing, Search Engine Marketing

Use Writing Tools to Enhance Website Copy, Content Management, Content Marketing, ITVibes, Houston SEO

Your blog may be your passion project, but without tangible ways to keep track of website visitors, your site may become obsolete. Increasing traffic to your blog requires time and effort, but your hard work will ultimately yield a better website with high engagement. Higher engagement oftentimes results in higher conversion rates for your business. So, how can you grow your blog traffic?
Is your blog not getting the attention it deserves? These 5 tips may be able to help! Click To Tweet

Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic

Blog tracking is important for improving your site’s Google ranking.. By monitoring key demographics of your site’s visitors, you can adjust your content and posting schedule to best appeal to a wide audience and increase traffic. Here are some tips and tricks for attracting new visitors to your blog::  

  1. Track time spent on your blog
  2. Include share buttons
  3. Include a subscribe option
  4. Watch Your Bounce Rates
  5. Listen to feedback

1) Track Time Spent on Your Blog

A tool such as Google Analytics can show you page views, average time on page, and more useful data. This gives you a chance to consider what makes users spend more time clicking and interacting on your blog. Are those posts longer than the others? Is the content more engaging? Did you link to a popular influencer or YouTube video? Learning why certain pages attract more visitors than others can help you improve your less popular blog posts.

2) Include Share Buttons

Promoting your blog on social media is a sure-fire way to attract more readers. Invite your audience to share your blog content on their own pages by including share links, available through tools like ShareThis. You want to ensure that the share buttons are bold and easy to use. Encourage your readers to share posts they found particularly fascinating.

3) Include a Subscribe Option

Your website platform may have a subscribe option built in already. If not, you can easily incorporate a subscription tool like JetPack. Either way, promote your subscription feature so your audience keeps coming back. Seeing an email alert from your blog will prompt them to check out what’s new with your blog.

Pro Tip: Can your blog readers easily subscribe to your posts? Using a subscription function for your blog can drive up your site’s traffic.

4) Watch Your Bounce Rates

The term “bounce rates” refers to how many people came to your blog from a different website entirely, then left after reading your article. On one hand, this could mean your blog functions as a quick reference guide for specific information, which is definitely a good thing. On the other hand, a high bounce rate across multiple pages may show your content isn’t keeping the reader’s attention and needs work. A truly engaging headline or article teaser displayed on your page will encourage readers to stay on your site longer and keep reading. Make it your goal to keep your bounce rate between 50-60% for ideal reader engagement.

5) Listen to Feedback

Reviews or comments on your blog tell you a lot about your audience’s thoughts. Is your content connecting with people and fostering conversations? Alternatively, maybe the comments are frequently representing the same complaint. Your website is glitching so badly they can’t read the article, a link doesn’t work, etc. Whatever feedback you may get, listen to it and consider implementing reader suggestions to make your blog a more pleasant experience for your followers.
An empty comments section or lack of reviews also tells you something about reader engagement–namely, that you don’t have enough of it. Continue using SEO techniques and write engaging content to attract people to linger on your site long enough to leave feedback for you.


Investing time and hard work to increase your blog traffic will ultimately pay off. As your reader engagement increases, so will your visibility online and your credibility in your field. Keep these expert tips in mind and your blog will be a success.
Looking for more help with your online presence? Connect with us to see how others successfully increased their blog’s visibility.
