11 Proven Copywriting Tips to Generate Engagement

by | Dec 4, 2019 | Content Marketing, Content Writing

11 Proven Copywriting Tips to Generate Engagement, Spring, TX

Your weekly reports and click rate counts will agree-the words you use in your copy matter. In content marketing, good copy is essential to increasing post engagement. In other words (pun intended), writing compelling copy shouldn’t be an afterthought in your content strategy. For your next campaign, make sure you’re using these copywriting tips to motivate people toward your product or service.
More readers = more engagement. Keep this list of #copywritingtips handy the next time you need to write compelling copy! Click To Tweet
11 Proven Copywriting Tips to Generate Engagement, ITVibes Design & Marketing, The Woodlands, TX

Write Copy that Sells

When you’re scrolling through your social media feed or browsing a list of Google searches, what entices you to click? What words are your competitors using to boost traffic and generate engagement? Writing good copy doesn’t have to be complicated. The next time you go to write, practice these 11 copywriting tips to enhance your content.

  1. Use Power Words in Headline
  2. Know Your Target Audience
  3. Get to the Point
  4. Write in Active Voice
  5. Appeal to Emotion
  6. Use Friendly Language
  7. Break Up Your Paragraphs
  8. Make Time to Research
  9. Use Clear Calls to Action
  10. Provide Proof for Claims
  11. Write for the Right Social Format

1) Use Power Words in Headline

Words like inspiring, memorable, gigantic, and crazy can all turn basic headlines into something irresistible. Whether you’re crafting a headline for your blog post or Facebook update, use power words to garner interest from users.

2) Know Your Target Audience

Do you know who you’re writing to?. In marketing, knowing your target audience is crucial to your content’s success. Once you know your audience, write in the language your reader uses every day. Many younger generations are swayed by emojis and trendy phrases, while business owners might prefer a more technical tone.

3) Get to the Point

Stop beating around the bush and be direct with your copy. Today, readers quickly scan articles in search of information pertinent to them. Make it easy for them to find the answers they’re looking for with shorter sentences and easy conclusions.

4) Write in Active Voice

Instead of writing in a passive voice, write directly to your reader with words such as “you” and direct action verbs. The active voice puts the reader as the subject of your content. Instead of thinking the information might not relate to the reader, the active voice shows them the application.

5) Appeal to Emotion

Similar to the active voice and use of power words, your copy should appeal to the emotions of your reader. Usually, consumers make decisions to buy something by how it will make them feel. Don’t be afraid to tell a story to get your reader to want the product you’re trying to sell. 

6) Use Friendly Language

No, “friendly language” doesn’t mean text lingo. However, the language used in text messaging could inspire your writing to a certain degree. Depending on their education level, write to your readers as if you’re talking to them. They’ll be much more apt to read your content if the copy has a human presence.

7) Break Up Your Paragraphs

When we read articles, our brains tend to digest tiny chunks of information at a time. Format your blog posts with paragraphs that have no more than five sentences at a time. Shorter paragraphs encourage faster reading and easier scanning.

8) Make Time to Research

Whether you’re writing for a new or familiar topic, don’t forget to set aside time to research fully. Your reader isn’t looking for information that’s been regurgitated from your competitor. Create valuable content with facts related to your industry.

Pro Tip: Boost your SEO ranking by producing unique content on your website. With more detailed and knowledgeable content than your competitors, you will quickly become an expert in your field.

9) Use Clear Calls to Action

The goal in copywriting is to engage a reader and drive them to do something. Whether it’s to continue reading or to click a link, the action should be clear. Be concise and brief. At the end of the day, the reader should know what you’re asking them to do.

10) Provide Proof for Claims

If you post a statistic or share a quote, it’s best to show proof to back your claims. Buyers are skeptical and need reasons to believe the product will actually work for them. Your content should be the verification they need to make the purchase or schedule the appointment they were contemplating.

11) Write for the Right Social Format

In content marketing, not all social media formats are created equally. Twitter is known for having a constrained word count, Instagram makes hashtags their priority, and LinkedIn is used primarily by professionals. Don’t make the mistake of creating content that is shared identically across each channel. To engage a wide range of users, customize each piece of content that is being posted.

Post Engagement Matters

At the end of the day, your copywriting efforts need to be optimized to gain readers. If you’re not creating content that people will read, your writing efforts will ultimately be in vain. Before you start writing for your next project, keep these tips in mind to appeal to potential customers.
What type of copy garners you the most engagement? Share with us on social media!
