ITVibes Celebrates Its Quarterly Customer Appreciation Day at AH CPA's PLLC

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Customer Appreciation Day Events

ITVibes held its quarterly customer appreciation day Thursday, July 28, at AH CPA’s PLLC in Houston to express gratitude toward our past, present, and ongoing loyal clients. 20160728_133516
Although a rainy day, it didn’t stop the lunch gathering of over 20 people from joining together. Guests mingled before lunch and enjoyed meeting new business owners in the community as well as seeing some familiar faces.
The eating commenced with food from  Nikoz Fusion Grill located in Sugar Land. Salad with Basmati rice was served with chicken and beef shawarmas–meant rolled in pita bread with a creamy garlic sauce.
As introductions started, everyone had a chance to say a brief statement about themselves and their company. Representatives from AH CPA’s PLLC also introduced themselves and talked about the importance for businesses to have a trusted and knowledgeable CPA on hand.
Siva Yenneti, Director of Sales and Marketing for ITVibes, began his presentation with a discussion about the current state of the oil industry. As several people provided input, this led into Siva’s talk on marketing automation and sales funnel optimization. Anteendes were shown a new online tool that can capture leads when a new visitor enters a website. Those leads can then be tracked, nurtured, and fed into the marketing funnel to eventually be converted into a sale. 
Afterward, a demonstration was shown on how to use the marketing automation tool and guests gathered each other’s business cards as the event came to a close.
ITVibes says thank you to everyone, who made this special event happen and appreciates the support and loyalty customers have shown throughout the years. It’s business owners like you who make our job possible. ITVibes is happy to help local community members by providing valuable brand management solutions for businesses in the Houston and surrounding areas. 
Contact us today to find out more about our Houston web design and SEO services.
