Healing Houston: How to Help those Affected by Hurricane Harvey

by | Aug 30, 2017 | Community, Houston

How Your Business Can Help Hurricane Harvey Victims, ITVibes, Houston

Featured Image Photo Credit: CTV News
Donations for Hurricane Harvey, Houston, ITVibesAs one of the many cities devastated by Hurricane Harvey, Houston must now face the challenge of healing and restoration. The people of Houston are resilient, strong, and fiercely dedicated to helping one another recover. Many churches and public facilities have opened their doors to evacuees with nowhere else to go. Restaurants are providing free meals for the masses without hesitation. Local businesses are opening up to offer free play time for children. Social media is filled with post after post from people looking for places to donate items needed, money, and their time to serve those in need. Our community is caring for our first responders as they sacrifice to keep us safe and well. Whatever the need, the people of Houston are there to meet it.

5 Ways Your Business Can Be Involved

The impact of Harvey is predicted to be felt for months, maybe even years to come. If your business is up and running today, you may be wondering how you can help too. Here are a few ways you can help your local community and surrounding areas heal from Hurricane Harvey.

1) Assemble a Team of Volunteers

Your employees most likely want to help just as much as you do. Organize teams of volunteers to go out into the community and help wherever they can.  

2) Guide Monetary Donations

Many organizations are collecting monetary donations to help with the recovery. Some will take advantage of this catastrophic event by creating fake charities and stealing those funds for their own gain. Your employees will trust you to provide legitimate information on where their money will be used appropriately. Help your employees vet organizations so they can avoid being scammed.

3) Be Informative

If you have a business blog and social media accounts, use them to connect with your community. Spread encouragement and only reliable and verified information. During a tragic event such as this, people are flocking to social media to connect with one another and gain insight. Be a trusted resource by sharing factual information with your community.

4) Be Flexible

If you are in the Houston area, you are likely to have employees affected by Hurricane Harvey. Allowing them to work from home or miss days without penalty can go a long way in easing anxiety and stress caused by being flooded in or evacuated.

5) Be Aware

You are probably aware of the few in Houston who are taking advantage of people during this catastrophe. Be alert and let your employees and community know of any danger in the area they should be aware of. Don’t spread unnecessary panic, but encourage people to be cautious and aware of their surroundings at all times.

Houston: Resilient and Strong

Houston will heal. We will recover. We may be susceptible to hurricanes due to our proximity to the coast, but many of us would never leave home because of who we are as a community. As the skies turn blue and the sun peeks through, we encourage you to share your time and your heart with those around you and help Houston rebuild.
