Traci Huhn Announces SEO Certification

by | Mar 14, 2016 | ITVibes News


ITVibes’ web content and SEO manager, Traci Huhn, successfully completed her SEO copywriting SEO certification last week.  The certification by SEO Content Institute, gives professionals the additional training needed to increase knowledge and an understanding of search engine optimization practices targeted specifically for website and social media writing.
The in-depth training covers every aspect of optimization that content writers will encounter. It starts with research and extensive keyword planning and also includes PPC basics, blog and web page writing, and many more learning tools.

We Are Experts

ITVibes strives to make every client’s website optimized and ranking high on Google in no time at all! With hope this certification adds to the value and trust you can expect from us, and we don’t stop there. Our SW_SEO_Content-Institute_badge2015-2016 (1)continued research and learning in the marketing industry gives us the most up-to-date information in order to provide you with the best expert advice.
Contact us today to see how we can create a customized website for your business that’s SEO friendly!
