Why Link Building in SEO is Important 

by | Dec 6, 2019 | Link Building

Link Building in SEO, ITVibes, Houston Web Design And Marketing

You may have heard of building backlinks, but do you know why it’s necessary for a truly successful SEO campaign? Google search uses over 200 factors to rank web pages. While offering relevant pieces of content is critical, developing a link building strategy is just as important.
Link building campaigns aren’t anything new. Since Google’s inception, they’ve used links pointing to a site as a ranking factor. The first step to understanding link building is to learn how Google search works!
External links to your site are indispensable to your overall SEO campaign! Find out why & how to build high-quality links. Click To Tweet

Tell Google Your Brand is Trustworthy

Trust flow is essential for your SEO score. When other relevant websites link to your blog or webpage, you’re telling search engines that your site is trustworthy in your specific niche. When you create high-quality, original content and link to other brands that Google already trusts, you’re increasing the likelihood of other sites linking back to you! 

Develop Relationships

Outreach is a huge part of link building. But, the only way this works is if you develop genuine relationships with other influencers in your community. To do this, interact with your followers! Respond to comments, @ people on social media, and engage to show you’re a real person. 

Pro Tip: When working on your link building strategy, try sharing links to other sources and they might share your blog post in return. 

How to Build Quality Backlinks

First and foremost, you need to master content creation. If you’ve ever tried to start a content strategy, you know how difficult this can be. Producing regular blog posts gives your audience something to read and share– which will, in turn, help you reach new leads.

Start Building Links

Get inspired to start your link building strategy. SEO titles, meta descriptions, and keyword research is your foundation, but link building is how you’ll really improve your search results. 
Interested in learning more about SEO? Join the conversation to speak with our team of SEO experts!  
