How to Get More Marketing Automation Conversions With an Effective Call to Action

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation Concept With Businessman Running, ITVibes

When creating a marketing automation campaign, every detail counts. From sending relevant messages to your target audience, to following up with leads, the slightest action could result in a conversion. What about the emails you’re sending out to leads? Are those effectively drawing people further into your business? If not, your call to action text could be a small thing that’s making a big impact.

What’s in a Call to Action?

A call to action is any content within your email campaign that drives the user to take action. This could be a button going to a contact form or hyperlinked text leading to a relevant website page. Although the format can vary (get creative!) the result should always be the same. Conversions happen when someone takes action by emailing, calling, or filling out a form. So, how do you craft these messages? Here are four things to keep in mind.

Location is Everything

Is your call to action buried at the bottom of an email or hidden within the paragraph text? If so, it’s going to be more difficult for users to take action. Remember, this is the whole purpose of your marketing efforts, so make it count. It should pop out at you without being intrusive or annoying. If someone has to hunt for your website or landing page information, you may have just lost a sale.

Short & Sweet

Most people don’t want to read; they would rather visually see what you are trying to covey. Keep call to action headlines short and to the point. Extra details should be left on your website. Try something like “Call Our Expert Advisors to Get Started” with a button that links to the contact page of your website.

Watch Your Tone

An old way of crafting call to action messages is by using a somewhat aggressive tone that makes the user feel threatened or put off by the message. Try using soft language to convey what you want the person to follow through with. For example, “Don’t Wait, Call Today!” has some aggressive undertones. Instead try, “Need Help? Contact Our Experts.”

Clear & Concise

It’s important to be very clear and to get straight to the point in your call to action. Being vague can cause a reader to click away or get confused. If you want someone to call your team, just say it. If you want to lead someone to a blog post, do it. Getting right down to the purpose of your email and what should happen next is the key to gaining more conversions.

A Qualified Marketing Team

While these four tips may sound easy to implement, there is much more is involved with marketing automation. From crafting drip campaigns to segmenting lead groups, every detail matters. If you are unsure where to start, contact the team at ITVibes. Our automation experts can get your business on a path to success!
