Happy Holidays from ITVibes Design & Marketing!

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Holiday Season, News

Happy Holidays from ITVibes! ITVibes Design & Marketing, The Woodlands, TX

2019 has zipped along to the end in the blink of an eye. This is the time of the year we pause and reflect, analyze the year behind us and look ahead with great anticipation for the year to come. We consider what went well and look for opportunities for growth. With that in mind, here’s a look at 2019 with ITVibes!
As the holiday season approaches, we’re excited to evaluate our progress in 2019 and see how we can improve. Get our annual summary and future plans here! #ITVibes Click To Tweet

New Clients

We’re proud to have partnered with several new clients this year! The new additions include:

We’re honored that our clients trust us to provide them with stunning websites and excellent SEO results. Going into 2020, we hope to continue offering the same amazing behind-the-scenes services we always have! We also hope to improve our current work and potentially offer more to our clients in the future.

Pro Tip: Interested in boosting your SEO ranking and sales in 2020? Get in touch with ITVibes to become a new client in the new year!

Improving Our Creativity

Online marketing requires a lot of creativity. While we pride ourselves on coming up with original content and eye-catching designs for our clients, we also recognize it’s always possible to improve. We’re looking forward to producing even better content in 2020 and working on developing our original ideas to further benefit our clients.

Ongoing Self-Education

Even professionals can always learn something new about their field. At ITVibes, we believe in ongoing self-education not just through courses from time to time, but also through hands-on experience. We’re always trying to improve our own professional skills to make our content even better. In the coming year, we hope to stay the course and never stop learning!


The holiday season and the end of another year are always busy. However, it’s also a time for reflection on the recent past and planning for the future. ITVibes is dedicated to improving ourselves in the new year, and we hope to pass that hope for improvement on to our clients!
What are your holiday plans? Let us know on Facebook and enjoy your time off!
