How to Maintain a Productive Social Media Marketing Schedule

by | Aug 3, 2020 | Social Media, Social Media Branding

How to Maintain a Productive Social Media Marketing Schedule, ITVibes, The Woodlands, TX

Social media marketing requires a lot of time, focus, and dedication–three things you likely have to focus elsewhere as a business owner. Posting on social sites may not always seem worth it. Does it really bring in the results you want?
Social media marketing is just one more thing on the to-do list for many business owners. How can you balance it with everything else? Find out here. #ITVibes #socialmediamarketing Click To Tweet

Your Social Media Strategy

Social media marketing doesn’t have to consume your entire business. With a well-thought-out schedule, good time management, and a few other crucial aspects, you can manage your social media efficiently. Here are a few important steps for success:

  1. Planning ahead
  2. Finding resources
  3. Posting engaging content
  4. Unplugging

1) Planning Ahead

Improvising is a useful skill in many parts of life, but social media marketing is not one of them. Set aside time at least once a week to plan your upcoming content, as well as the optimal time to post it for the most engagement. Plan your schedule in detail. Once you’re done, it’s time to start posting.

2) Finding Resources

Rather than jumping between different social media platforms to post, find a program that allows you to schedule multiple posts on multiple platforms ahead of time. HootSuite or Traject Social are both excellent social media managing tools to try. Keep an eye on your engagement rate through their analytics tools as well–this tells you what content is working and what’s turning customers away.

3) Posting Engaging Content

Business social media has to walk a fine line between professional and entertaining. Overly businesslike posts are boring, but overly casual posts run the risk of harming your online professional presence. Use your social media to post content that is both relevant to your industry and engaging to your audience. This could be articles, images, videos, or some combination of all three–just make sure your audience likes it!

Pro Tip: Reposting content occasionally on your business social media is acceptable, but not something you should rely on for all your posts. Find new content to keep things interesting.

4) Unplugging

Finally, remember that your entire focus shouldn’t be social media. Your business needs attention in other departments too. But more importantly, take time away from social media and work in general to unwind. Giving yourself a break lets you return to work refreshed and ready to go.

Keeping Your Social Media Plan on Track

Social media marketing demands significant time and attention. However, with an excellent marketing strategy and the right tools at your disposal, you can use these invaluable channels to promote your brand.
Connect with us for more tips on social media goals and marketing plans.
