Get Started Producing Quality Content for Your Website

by | May 17, 2019 | Brand Management, Content Strategy

Get Started Producing Quality Content for Your Website, ITVibes, The Woodlands, TX

In the past, your company’s SEO rankings depended almost entirely on keyword usage and how much content they had to offer. Now, Google’s search algorithms and your audience’s preferences are slightly more refined. Having the most content no longer guarantees high visibility. Online users now look for quality content ideas that provide the best answer to their initial question.
As you work to produce quality posts and advice for your website, you’ll need plenty of new content ideas. Rather than relying on what seems to be the latest trend, the most sure-fire way to earn a higher SEO ranking is to listen to your audience and the data from your site. What brings people to look for you? Does your current content seem to provide the help they want?
Learn how to create the kind of content that both Google and humans will love! Click To Tweet

Keyword Research

This may seem like a no-brainer for SEO work, but don’t just focus on using more keywords to attract more searchers. Pay attention to what the keywords actually say. What are people searching for, and how often? Choosing the correct keywords for your website will ensure that you attract more users searching for high-quality content. You could rank higher than anyone else for a particular keyword, but if only one person a month searches for that keyword, you’ve really gained nothing.


Google Analytics and social media insights will show you several crucial pieces of information:

  • Audience demographics (age, gender, etc.)
  • What keywords led them to your site
  • Which pages they viewed and for how long

This information is an important step to optimizing your site content for your primary audience. For instance, if most visitors to your website are middle-aged working ladies, posts about entry-level jobs will probably not spark their interest. Keeping an eye on your audience will help you in your research for relevant content topics.

Pro Tip: Use data analytics to track how many readers shared your blog posts, social media thoughts, and more. Which content is shared the most and generates the most interest?

Social Media Connections

Blog comments and social media provide a chance to hear directly from your readers and get their opinions. Invite your audience to leave feedback and requests for potential changes. While not all their suggestions will be useful, remember that your website ultimately depends on a returning audience interested in your content. Listen to their input and make them feel valued.

Consider Search Intent

A user searching for a very specific topic, such as how to check the oil in their car, will not be happy to end up on a lengthy webpage sprinkled with relevant keywords but no real help for their situation. Remember that search intent matters just as much as keywords when it comes to attracting online traffic. Optimize your pages for the right search intent and show your audience that you are a valuable source for the information they need, right when they need it.

Create Content that Appeals to Your Audience

Don’t assume that trending topics will guarantee long-term SEO success. With dedicated research and ongoing audience engagement and effort, you can consistently create excellent content that raises your SEO ranking and shows you as a reliable source of information.
Connect with us to learn more about proper content marketing and topic research.
